Friday, March 02, 2007

I Met My Blog Buddy!!

The last 2 days have been absolutely great. For anyone not up to speed, I met a really nice person named Jill back in December. We met online because she found my blog, liked it, and contacted me. Jill has her own blog dedicated to the show Criminal Minds. It is a great blog and you can find it by clicking on the link "Criminal Minds Fanatic" on my friends list to the right. Jill's blog is so popular, that it got back to the people who created the show, and she was invited to come to LA and visit the set. How neat is that for her? While planning this trip, she contacted me and said that she wanted to give my picture and resume to the producers of the show!!!!! I was flabbergasted. Any actor would DIE to have a chance to have their face put right in front of the producer of a major show. I didn't know what to do or say, and I couldn't thank her enough. Was she able to do it??? You'll have to wait until the next post to find out. (ok, that was cheesy, but you still have to wait). Anyway, Jill flew in this past Tuesday night and I drove down to meet her at her hotel. I was excited and nervous. I was about to meet this lady who has been saying such nice things about me on her blog. She and her fellow blog followers even say they have "adopted" me as their Criminal Minds future star. What do I say to something like that?? I don't even have the words. Jill, and all the people who leave comments on her blog are all complete strangers, living in various parts of the world. Yes, world.......not counntry!!

So, Jill and I end up meeting each other around 10:45 pm. Of course I forgot my camera because that's just how I am!! (Not to worry, I have a great picture of us for my next post). She was the nicest person. She was very motherly, and she even wanted to take me somewhere and buy me dinner!! We ended up going to the McDonald's next door because it was late, and honestly, I didn't want her to buy me a nice, sit down dinner. It was SO thoughtful of her, but I didn't think she should have to do something like that. She was already going to try to do more for me in one single day than I have managed to do for myself here in 7 months!!

We sat and chatted for a while about a lot of things. I gave her my pictures. She seems to think that I don't owe her anything, even a thank you. How nice? She's got a lot more coming to her in the future than a simple thank you. When I make it (notice the positivity), I am going to do something REALLY great for her. Mark my is here in writing. Because she didn't have to do anything for me. I would have been just fine being able to meet her. But she went the extra mile and did something for me that goes beyond nice. Everyone reading this should stop by her blog and leave a little comment saying how thoughtful she was!

With that being said, it is because of Jill that I got back on the set of Criminal Minds yesterday and today, but I am going to post about that tomorrow. It was a long 2 days, and I don't want this blog to get too long. Moving right terms of work, I have gotten myself a new job. I wanted to have a job that I had a set schedule at so I could reduce my time doing background. I'm slooooowly trying to phase that out and move up the ladder in Hollywood, ya know?? So, I got a job at 24 Hour Fitness. I love it because the people are cool and it is right down the street from me. I can walk there! Now, originally I thought that by doing a lot less background, I'd be seeing a lot less crazies, which is probably true. Well, on my 2nd day working, a crazy came into the gym. This person actually got their membership revoked because he was doing "inappropriate" things in the hot tub if I ain't being to subtle. haha Remember, I live in West Hollywood and there just so happens to be a large gay population here. When I was being interviewed for this job, the manager told this type of thing is epidemic at their West Hollywood location. And when I say epidemic, I mean they revoke an average of 30 memberships per month!!!! That's like one per day!!! I couldn't believe it was true. I CAN NOT get away from crazies can I?? I'm sure Lin will appreciate this. She posted a comment on my previous entry about a crazy she ran into in the grocery store. Funny stuff. I love it when people share their stories too.

Ok, this post is getting longer than I want it to, so I'm going to continue talking about 24 Hour Fitness at a later time, and tomorrow I'll desribe my day on Criminal Minds.


Anonymous said...

You know, between your teasing and Jill's teasing, we are being blog-teased to death!!!!!! But I like it. I'm learning patience ... slowly.

Criminal Minds Fan said...

It was a honor to meet you and a priviledge to help you. It is nothing special Kris. When you are offered an opportunity for yourself you should always try to help others as well and that is all I did. I just posted my meeting with the casting people on my blog. Please do not get ahead of me on posting my trip. I am taking it slow! Jill

Nichole said...

Kris! What Jill is doing for you is so awesome. I visited her blog, and I didn't expect to see her holding a picture of you while in a picture with the Criminal Minds producer! So awesome. And Jill is so humble and sweet...she's a gem!

Anonymous said...

Just had a little look-around at your blog and bookmarked it right away... ;-)
Interesting to read about the meeting from your POV.
I'll keep up looking around also when the "Jill story" is over - think you have some other interesting stories to tell...
CU sindee
*heavily waving from Germany*

slashgirl said...

Jill is totally awesome; I'm so glad she was able to help you!

When I'm screen capping the ep, I'll make sure to get some caps of the scenes you're in, for sure!! (And I'll make sure you get to see them--Jill will probably post them in her blog!)

Take care and I really look forward to seeing you on CM!!


Unknown said...

You certainly know how to network! I am looking forward to the day you are on a show where you can gratuitously yell "stat". Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kris, I learned about you just recently from Jill's CM blog and am fascinated with your story. It would take a lot to do what you have done, and what you are trying to do.

Wish you the best and will be following your blog here with updates!

from Canada