Saturday, February 17, 2007

I Am Officially NOT A Crazy!

You all know how I am only trying to stay in a positive frame of my mind, hence my positive quotes at the end of my posts. I believe that positive energy breeds more positive energy, and the same goes for negativity. I didn't even realize, but a friend of mine brought this to my attention the other day. On January 2nd, I did my first post on positivity and demanded that I only think positive thoughts. I don't think that it is a coincidence that in the month of January alone, I was contacted by 4 talent agencies, I signed with one of them, I booked a role on a student film, and I booked a role on an independent short film! More happened in the month of January for me than in the entire first 6 months that I was here! If that isn't full on proof that the mind is a powerful thing and can attract what it puts out, then I don't know what is. It's very hard to stay positive in such a negative world, but you have to force yourself.

So, what's the point of this post? Well, a random person found my blog and thought it was interesting. This person is getting started with an acting career in LA and they contacted me for some advice, particularly for getting into background work. I wrote back with my honest advice, because lets face it, Hollywood is a confusing place and with all the scame artists and creepy people around, it's hard to know who to trust. This is part of the message this person wrote back to me:

"First of all, congratulations on getting an agent and taking the next step! Thanks a million for writing back and giving me a heads up on the agencies -- some good advice from a sane person helps a LOT. I've got to say I admire your drive and ambition, I think you're going to be famous in about 10 minutes".

How nice is that? See, little things like that give me another surge of motivation to last me another few months. So, I had to share. Oh, and notice she said it was nice to hear from a "sane" person. That most likely means she has run into some crazies of her own and I'm NOT one of them!! haha SCORE!!!


Anonymous said...

Kris! I'm honored you found my comments blog-worthy. And yes, you guessed it, I could tell you some stories about the nutters I've met in LA... I did pick up a "sanity vibe" from you, and therefore declare you officially, absolutely and inarguably NOT CRAZY. As you said, positivity attracts positivity, so let's hope sanity does the same!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Kris -- I think you're going to have a thousand more roles, getting bigger and better all the time, and I think there will be a time in the not-too-distant future when we'll be sitting here going, "Yeah, that guy on TV there, I'm a close personal friend, known him since he was just getting started."

BUT. Even if you never work another day out there, I still think you're a success RIGHT NOW because you dared to try. You didn't sit around Columbus saying, "I wonder if ..." "I wish I could ..." You actually went and did it. I am in awe.

So wherever you go from here is great, but you've already achieved great things in my book.

Kris said...

Thanks Lin. Sometimes I can't believe I really came here. But, there's no turning back now!!

Criminal Minds Fan said...

You are going to do great!

Anonymous said...

"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow." Helen Keller