Thursday, October 26, 2006

Another Week of Torture!!

Gosh, it's been slow this week. I'm only working 2 days. When I'm not working, I don't know what to do with myself. All the people I know here have jobs, so when I'm off during the week, I'm bored out of my mind. The one day that I worked this week was pretty nice though.

Tuesday I worked on the show Shark. It's a new show this season and once again I've never seen it. So what made this day so great? Well, most of the day we shot on location at the beach. Right on the water, and it was sunny and 80 degrees! Perfect day. The first scene we shot was actually at a small store in Venice, then they shuttled us to the beach. As we were leaving the store, I got into one of the vans to go to the beach when all of a sudden Ray J jumps in the van. You know Ray J, the singer Brandy's brother. He must have been guest starring on the show. I wasn't in the first scene and he wasn't in the beach scene, so I don't know. Let me tell you, dude is SHORT. He's like 5'2". Ok, not that short, but I give him 5'6" at the tallest!

For the beach scene I played a cop, and this was the first time I had to actually wear a bullet proof vest! Man, I'm thinking about getting one of those. It made me look so buff, haha. When I was changing into my uniform, I paused in the mirror after I put the vest on because I really looked like I had some serious muscle. I think it gave me some inspiration to really work out, because I looked HOTT with the extra buffness, lol. I was sad when I had to take it off. On the other hand, the vest was tight as hell. If you are trying to lose weight, I suggest getting a bullet proof vest because I could hardly eat anything at lunch time with that thing on. How on earth do cops get fat if they wear those things?!?!? I don't get it. In the meantime, the uniform looked so real, that before we started shooting, I kept getting stopped by people on the beach (pic at left is old, but it's the same beach). Picture it: You have a large number of people standing in a group (the film crew) and a guy in a sheriff's uniform standing there. People kept coming up to me and asking me if it was ok for them to sit here on the beach etc., etc. So, I played along and told them "No", and that they had to move on down the beach! haha....the film's security was going to make them do it anyway. At one point, a real police office even pulled up next to me in one of the lifeguard trucks and asked me if an incident had occurred here. I laughed and told him I was an actor and that we were shooting a television show. He laughed and got all red, and his partner in the passenger seat was cracking up. It was pretty funny!

I thought of something random the other day. Everytime we have an outside shoot, I always notice that there are more than a few white people who are all burnt up and red at the end of the day, even if they put on suntan lotion. It just made me think that I'm lucky to have brown skin, and that I can be outside, or at the beach all day and not get burnt. I've never been sun burnt and it looks like it hurts like hell. But my question is....does anyone know how suntan lotion really works?? It doesn't make sense how something transparent can protect your skin from the sun. Dark skinned people have more melanin in their skin. It's a brown colored molecule that actually shields your cells' DNA from the UV sun light. That makes sense to me. How does suntan lotion do it? I bet you my friend and fellow med student Justin M. knows. He seems to know a lot about a lot of things. He even had a thorough answer to my question about why gas costs more in California than in Ohio!

Last thing is a story I forgot to mention in my previous post. When I was on the set of Boston Legal last week, I met this girl whose arm was in a sling. Naturally, people asked what happened, and this is what she said. She was at a party at a house in the hollywood hills and this really drunk guy kept hitting on her, repeatedly. She kept shutting him down, politely of course. He wouldn't let up, and she told him to just leave her alone. Well, he got pissed, grabbed her and threw her into a wall, and said to her, "I have more women than hair follicles!" Now, a few things ran through my mind as she said this. 1). WTF? Who says that? 2). this guy needs his ASS beat, seriously. and 3). that comment he made sounded JUST LIKE a comment that a certain blonde haired fellow classmate of mine would say. I bet you every one of my med school classmates that reads this know EXACTLY who I'm talking about. First of all, if you have to say things like that, you probably have NO girls at all. Secondly, he must be an outcast.

As for the girl, she hit the wall with such force that her arm completely popped out of her shoulder socket. The doctors of course had to pop it back into place and she said it was the most excruciating pain she has ever felt in life! I can imagine. She said she may end of suing the owner of the house because, surprisingly, "no one knew who this guy was". Isn't that sad? No one wants to help this girl out because they are cowards! I just couldn't believe what she was telling us, so I had to share this story.

And finally, I realize that Grey's Anatomy was a re-run this week. Just my luck!!!! How many times has that happened now?? Isaiah Washington must be causing such a ruckus on the set it interrupted production. He's another one who needs his ass beat. He was really cocky when I saw him on set and what he did to his co-star(s) was not cool at all.

Until next time.........


Justin said...

Ha ha ha, I'm true to form I suppose. Probably only because I'm considering dermatology right now.

You're right; it doesn't make sense how a transparent lotion can block light. However, sunscreen is designed to deflect UV radiation. UVB radiation causes sunburn, and UVA radiation causes the aging and loss of elasticity of skin as seen with long-term sunning and tanning. Materials suspended within the lotion either reflect (metal oxides) or absorb (alkyl oxides) the UV light.

The main problem is that people simply do not know how to use the stuff. They rub it into their skin in the morning, and then go all day without applying any more. Firstly, it should be reapplied throughout the day. Secondly, no sunscreen or sunblock is effective indefinitely, no matter how often it is reapplied.

I'm with you; I like having darker skin. And as for knowing a lot ... if you have any ideas for making this ability to acquire a wealth of useless knowledge work for me in developing my medical education, I'm all ears.

Justin said...

Oh, and yes. I know EXACTLY who you are talking about. Poor girl.

Now I can't study, I'm so riled up about her predicament.

Thanks a lot, Kris.

Seriously, I hope you end up having to date New York from Flavor of Love as part of your next piece of work for getting me out of my study groove like that :P

Anonymous said...

Isaiah Washington is lucky the creator of the show Shonda is black or he would be gone.

Nichole said...

I know exactly what you mean about the bullet proof vests. Joe wears one for his current station in the USCG. He looks so HOT wearing it.

So, when you're not working you're kind of like a stay-at-home mom without the kids and not a woman. Call me some time, I'm always home! lol

Andy said...

and I had so taped Gray's, too (something that goes against everything I stand for)