Saturday, October 21, 2006

Where Did All My Crazies Go?

I was banking on meeting some off the wall crazy person this week so that I'd have a great story to write, but unfortunately, they didn't come out this week. I worked every day too. Oh well, I ended meeting a lot of recognizable faces this week, more than ususal. I'll sum it up and keep it short and sweet so I can eat my Coldstone!

The week started off on Scrubs. Loooooong day, but it wasn't very exciting. Neither Zach Braff nor Donald Faizon was working that day. Whoever was working, I didn't know them, because I've never watched this show. Anyways, there was someone there hanging around the set that is not normally a part of the show. It was Michael McDonald, and I'm not talking about the singer. Don't recognize the name? You might know him better as Stewart from Mad TV. He was there hanging out with some of the crew, but I don't think he taped any scenes. So, he must've just known someone and wanted to hang out. I didn't talk to him, but I saw him talking to and joking around with some of the other background people, so you know he's cool in my book.

The next day I was on the new show What About Brian. I'v seen previews for it, but I haven't watched. Gosh, I don't watch anything because I'm always working! Anyway, the oldest son from 7th Heaven is on this show (I don't know his name), but he wasn't working that day. We shot on location at the Santa Monica Pier and the real Muscle Beach, as opposed to the muscle beach at Olentangy Commons where I lived last year! It was actually a clear day that day, so you could see the mountains in the distance, and the water looked blue. Other than that, boring day.

Next day was a new show called Raines. It just started filming and we were taping the second episode. It's going to air in January '07. It starts Jeff Goldblum and Nicole Sullivan, another Mad TV ex-cast member. Let me just say that Jeff Goldblum is funny!! First of all, if it wasn't for Jurassic Park (one of my favorite movies), I wouldn't know who the heck he was. We would be taping a scene, and when the director yelled "Cut!", he would start acting really weird, singing and stuff. It was really funny and I couldn't tell if he was just being funny or if that was really how he was. I thought he was weird at first, but then I realized he was just being funny. I talked to him for a few seconds and I had to tell him that Jurassic Park was my favorite movie.

And finally, yesterday I was on Boston Legal. Once again, never seen it. But I was in a bar scene with William Shatner and Delta Burke! Did anyone see "The Roast of William Shatner" on the Comedy Channel? It was funny as hell. He seemed cool, and he looks just the same in person as he does on tv. Delta Burke was a different story! First of all, when she walked in, I didn't know it was her right away. She is tiny, like 5'3" and skinnier now. Her hair was flipped out at the bottom like a 50's style kind of, and she had more make-up on than I have ever seen in my life! I mean, they proably used 5 compacts of foundation on her. I don't why. She looked pretty, and really nice. She smiled at me and just looked really homely, but she looked animated, like a cartoon character because of all the make-up. Also, her cheek bones were really high and her eyes were slanted a little bit like a cat, which makes me think she's had more than her share of plastic surgery. I'm not trying to be mean for once, just truthful. I liked her though, she was nice.
Other than that, the episode of Grey's Anatomy that I was on SHOULD air this coming Thursday, emphasis on "should". Contact me for the scene description because you WILL miss me if you're not paying attention. Actually, if you have Tivo, that would be best. If not, you just have to be really attentive.


Nichole said...

Kris oh my GOD you didn't know Jeff Goldblum before Jurassic Park? I'm so sorry! He was so funny in those movies though, huh? I love him. He was in "The Fly" too, a very gross and creepy sci-fi movie based on Kafka's "Metamorphosis." Oh and he did a guest appearance on Friends as a theatre director that was HILARIOUS. I think he's just crazy in real life.

Anonymous said...

Tivo didn't record GA but is was a repeat, right? Then I can see you on there next week.