Thursday, September 07, 2006

What A Crappy Day, Literally!!!

I'll get to my crappy day in a second. I have a few other things to say first. First off, Afrah is here!!!!! For those of you who know Afrah, she finally made it to L.A., to live. Now we can hang out, have fun in the sun, and enjoy not being in the midwest.

Secondly, I had a good Labor Day Weekend. I relaxed, and on Labor Day I went to some Brazilian restaurant with some friends where we all basically ordered American food. But it was sooo good. However, my Labor Day good spirits were RUINED today when I called my dear colleague, Candace H. Candace is one of my fellow med school classmates. I called her up, and she didn't even know who I was. she didn't even recognize my voice. What is happening?? Am I being forgotten that quickly. Was I nothing more than a fleeting memory in everyone's mind? I was so hurt, haha. Claudine, you better get on Candace about this issue!!!

Now on to my literally crappy day. Today I taped an episode of Bones, starring David Boreanaz. More on him in a minute. I have never seen this show, but it is apparently another one of those FBI shows. There are a lot of those now. Anyways, when I got the call from my casting agency to do this show, they said we would be filming at a water treatment plant near LAX. Much to everyone's dismay, it was actually a SEWAGE treatment plant. BIG DIFFERENCE! Let me describe this place for you!!! It is right on the ocean, right next to the airport. The only good thing about this day was seeing big Jumbo Jets taking off from the airport. Anyways, we pull into this plant, and the smell almost cinged my nose hairs. Picture this: A huge, round, concrete pool about 60 feet in diameter filled with diarrhea. Each pool holds about 10,000 gallons and there are about 20 of them!! 20 pools of brown diarrhea. Thousands upon thousands of gallons!! Each pool has 2 metal walkways, forming the shape of a cross, just about 5 feet above the liquid crap. Guess where the scene was shot?? Yep, right in the center of one of these walkways!

So, we're pulling into the plant in the shuttle van, all grossed out and stuff. We get out of the van and there are the pools.............of crap!! They were dunking their heads in it and everything. I was already nauseated at this point. So then we have to get out of the van and walk to the center of one of the walkways so we can start shooting. To make things even nastier, each pool of crap also contains 4 metal rods that start from the center and radiate outward to the perimeter. These rods slowly turn to mix everything up in the pools. Are you sick yet?? I'm sick just writing about this and I haven't even gotten to the worst part yet.

As we're walking down the walkway to the center of the pool of diarrhea, naturally we look over the railing to see what that stuff looks like. Lo and behold!! It's mostly brown, diarrhea water with bubbles in it, but there is also an occasional floating piece of green or brown solid piece of SOMETHING!! I swear my gag reflex was kicking in by now. We get to the center, still looking over the edge (why u might ask?? The hell if I know!). Then we see something else. Now, as I said, there are about 20 of these pools on this lot. Go figure that the ONE pool they choose to shoot the scene on has a CONDOM floating in it!!!!!! I am not lying to you!! It looked like a magnum (because I obviously know what those look like, lol). It was sick. And to top it all off, we were there shooting the scene for over 6 hours!!! Can anyone sympathize with me here?!?!! And that folks, was the start of my crappy day.

Other things about the show: David Boreanaz can cuss up a storm. On more than one occasion i hear him dropping the F bomb because something wasn't done the way he wanted. He also whined alot about camera angles and stuff. I wanted to tell him to just shut the hell up because there is nothing more annoying than a whiny C-list celebrity!! My day ended up being 15 hours on the set because we had to shoot a scene in a hotel. It took place at a girls' beauty pageant. So, obviously there are tons of little girls there in caked on make-up and teased hair out to nowhere. I have to say that stuff is NOT "beautiful" to me. I personally think beauty pageants consist of a bunch of stage moms who are trying to live vicariously through their daughters. Seriously, most of the moms were fat and nasty and there is no way in hell I'm letting my wife doll up my eight year old daughter to do that crap. It ain't happenin! Don't ask me why, but in this scene they made me play a dad. Clean shaven, I look like I'm 16 on camera, so who knows whose bright idea that was.

Ok, it's 12:45 a.m. and I am dead tired now. Damn, I was posting this midweek so that it wouldn't be that long, but who knew the kind of crappy day I'd have today. I had to tell the story. I came home and took the LONGEST shower ever, haha. Now, I'm hittin the sack!!


Nichole said...

That sounds awful. Anything for show biz though, right? I am disappointed to hear that David B. swears so much. He looks like such a nice guy.

And I hear you on the little girl pageants. My daughter, no matter how gorgeous, will never compete in one of those. You're absolutely's all about the mommies. Call me crazy, but I'd rather my little girl have actual talent and brains than simply be "pretty."

When does the episode of Bones air that you're in??!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Afrah made it and you're not alone anymore!

Anonymous said...

thanks for keeping us updated, kris. sorry you had such a gross day (did you think that once you left med school you wouldn't have to confront diarrhea as much anymore?)

keep on truckin man.

Anonymous said...

OMG - thanks for making me almost pee myself at my cubicle at work! I can totally see you all gag-relfexing up a storm with that disgusted face you gave during our rants in DPE! LOL

Anonymous said...

Which would you rather have......clouds or poo?

Kris said...

Soleclaw - I have no clue when this episode airs.

Laura - Thanks, I will keep truckin

Kelli - You're silly

J - Ok, you're right, I guess I pick the clouds!!