Wednesday, April 25, 2007

4/21/2007 -- The Accident

As everyone knows, I've been crazy busy working 2 jobs and now I have this car accident to deal with. Let me just tell you the events of my day on April 21st, because the whole day was a complete disaster! So, my morning starts off at 5:30 am because I had to get up and be at work at 7 am. Everything is going as usual, I get in my car, turn on my CD. In order to get to my job, I have to drive through the famous Rodeo Drive Shopping District. I pass through there, and by this point I'm less that a half mile from the hotel, with one more traffic light to go through. Beyonce's "Crazy In Love" is playing on the stereo. I'm approaching the intersection; my light is green. It's about 6:50 am now and there are hardly any cars on the roads because it is Saturday morning. I get to the intersection and start to go through it, when out of the corner of my eye I see a huge white pick up truck barreling at me. I slam on my brakes, tires screeching, and the truck hits my left front bumper, spins my car 90 degrees, and then he swerves and hits a 3rd car. Has anyone seen those car insurance commercials where 2 people are driving in the car and they are hit by another car? It was just like that. It happened so fast. I couldn't believe it. I'd never experienced anything like it before. At this intersection was a gas station, so we all pulled in there.

The man in the truck jumps out and immediately starts apologizing saying he can't believe he just did that. I mean, he was nice and offered all his information, but I was pissed as you can imagine. I have never been in a car accident before. Luckily, I wasn't injured whatsoever thanks to my hefty Explorer. I noticed that this guy's truck was a company vehicle for a Termite Extermination company, and I said a silent, "Thank GOD!", because I knew the vehicle would be properly insured. So, we call the lazy ass Beverly Hills Police and they refuse to come to the scene because "there are no injuries". Now, does that make any sense at all??? Shouldn't the police come out regardless to determine who was at fault, and more importantly if anyone was drinking or driving under the influence?!?! I just couldn't believe they would not come out.

Anyways, we all exhange information and I find out 2 important things happened. The guy driving the truck told me that when he got to the intersection and saw me, he actually hit his accelerator because if he had hit his brakes, he would have collided right into my driver door and me! So, it was a combination of him accelerating and me braking, that prevented a much, much worse accident. After the info exhange, I head to work, late of course. My car was actually drivable, but it is really messed up. I'm an hour late for work, in a terrible mood, and then I find out that the hotel's boiler failed and the entire hotel is without hot water!! This means that for the remainder of my work day, I have to deal with angry hotel guests yelling at us at the front desk. I'm antsy and anxious all day, thinking about a million things including the fact that this guy could try and say that he was not at fault, since no police came out to make a report. I really prepared for the worst possible outcome, especially since he provided an expired insurance card when we exhange information.

After I get off work that very same day, I find out that my landlord is putting my apartment up for rent since I apparently have been subletting this whole time, even though I thought I was on the lease. In order to stay, I'd have to sign up as a new tenant (which means he would raise the rent) and find a good responsible roommate. I had one potential roommate submit and application, but the landlord didn't like the guy's credit history, so I think it is just easier if I move. Another headache I have to deal with. So, you would think that was it for my day. Not so fast. Later on that evening, I went to IHOP by myself because it is so good and I wanted to eat something that would bring up my spirits. After eating, I'm walking homes. I come to an intersection and patiently wait for the "Walk" sign to cross the street. After the signal changes, I begin to cross the street, and there are no cars needing to turn. All of a sudden some dumbass cab driver speeds around the corner and almost hits me. Like, he had to swerve to miss me!

That was my Saturday. Did I do some evil thing to deserve some bad karma or something? Did I defy death twice in one day?? This better not be some Final Destination type stuff. Defying death once is one thing, but constantly having to run from it, I don't need to deal with that. So, to end this blog on a good note........The Termite Company's insurance company just called me an hour ago and told me that the guy driving the truck accepted responsibility and that I am clear to make an appointment with a body shop to get my vehicle fixed and to get a rental car, all paid for by them. Now, of course I don't wish that anyone would get in a car accident, but I'm kinda glad he hit that other lady, because with our 2 stories, there is no way he could have tried to say it wasn't his fault. My car was much more damaged than hers anyway. So, that news put me in a good enough mood to finally type up this blog post before I go to work at the gym of course. I just can't wait until my car is totally fixed and I get my roommate/apartment situation all straightened out so everything can return to normal (which really means I can get back to dealing with my crazies because I have a lot of those stories building up, just waiting to be told, lol). Why does all the bad stuff have to happen all at once??? Geez.

I can't leave without the positive quote:

"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."

--Theodore Roosevelt

I chose this quote because, on top of everything that I just mentioned above, I seem to be going through a little dry spell in terms of my agent calling me and me getting auditions period. I'm just not getting as much as I was a few months ago. But I'm not giving up. I've come far enough, and accomplished enough in less than a year, that I think actually have a chance. I just need to be patient and persistent!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're okay Kris, but I'm sorry you had such a terrible day. I hope everything works out for you.

Take care.

Anonymous said...

don't worry kris, it'll get better! everyone has one bad day once in a while :)


Anonymous said...

No, you don't have bad karma Kris, it's just a thing called "life". The best accidents are those you can walk away from and tell others about later. Glad you're doing fine, and I'm sure everything is going to work out. Take care of yourself.

ps. I shot you an e-mail a while ago. Hit me back when you get a chance. :0)

Anonymous said...

Aww, Kris, I'm sorry you had such a crappy day. Hope this weekend is way way better for you! And I'm very glad you weren't hurt.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's so sad! What a thoughrally bad day! :(

Get better soon Kris! Thoughts are with you! *hugs*


Anonymous said...

Hey, Kris, everything is about to change.

I just got an offer from a publisher on my romance.

You're next!

Hang on -- it's going to be a wild summer!

Anonymous said...
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