Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Here I Come Columbus!

First, I just want to say that I really appreciate everyone who left a comment on my last post. Any of my friends will tell you that every now and then my head fills up with many thoughts and ideas on various issues, and eventually it has to come out somewhere. I certainly love having face to face discussions on issues such as race, but I kind of like the way it went here on blogger. Face to face, people tend not to say everything on their mind for fear of looking or sounding stupid, myself included. But as you can see, people left some very loooooong comments, which I loved. Just the fact that they took time to really dig down deep and say what they felt. I think some of those comments were even longer than my post!! Also, no one posted as anonymous, which I thought was cool too. By the way, I googled the word "thanks", and that pic is what popped up.

Now, on to better things. Well, I guess I'll talk about Thanksgiving here because it's been an entire week since I've worked. NOT FUN!!! I'm not going to rant about my boredom this time....just know that it is mind numbing!! Last Tuesday, the 21st, was the last time I worked and it was on the show Close to Home. It was a really long day, but I'm not going to complain about those anymore. With things slowing down because of the holidays, I will gladly work long days. Starting in December, the television industry goes on its winter hiatus, and that lasts for about 6 weeks. So, one of 2 things can happen. The scenario is that I won't be working at all. That means I can either get another job or apply for unemployment (which everyone here does) just to have some money coming in. I kind of like aspects of both, so I can't decide. Getting another job means looking, applying, interviewing, and probably end up doing something I'll hate anyways. Ahhh...decisions. The second scenario is that there could be a possibility that a few feature films will be shooting in town throughout December that need to use background, and so the television hiatus won't affect me at all. Obviously the second scenario is the one I'd prefer. But in actuality, I would REALLY just like to book a few commercials or get some roles in some movies so that I can be done with background altogether! I really am getting sick of it. Thank God that tv shows and movies need extras, because it's provided an easy income for me, but it's not what I came to California for, and I am so completely ready to move on it's not even funny! Sigh.........the life of an actor. I'm positive I'm not the only one feeling this way, I'm just whining right now. I've met people who have been doing this for 3 years!!! I don't want to even think about it!

So, Thanksgiving was really fun. A lady that I met on one of the sets invited me to her place for dinner. We met because I overheard her talking to someone one day, and she had an accent. I asked where she was from and she said, "Jamaica!". I'm a full 50% Jamaican in case anyone didn't know. My dad is from Kingston. We won't talk about the other half of me right now. It would be too confusing thanks to my beautiful mother. Remember a long time ago when I said the lady at the casting agceny looked at me, and then marked me down as "mixed" on the paper? Yeah, I'll just leave it at that! Anyways, after finding out I was Jamaican too, me and Ms. Jennifer talked about Jamaica all day long, and our families and the food, etc. I saw her 2 more times on some different sets, and then she invited me over to her place. She had some other people over as well, there was tons of food and dessert. So, we ate and watched movies. It was nice. Afrah had to work on Thanksgiving, poor thing. I guess that's part of being young. You work hard now so that later on you don't have to. That's what my dad always said. Afrah said her job catered in food and it was actually really good though, so that was good.

That's all I pretty much have to say since the rest of the last week just consisted of me watching A LOT of tv in my room.

OHHHHHH......duh. How could I forget to tie in the title of this post! I'm coming home for a visit yall. I'll be flying in on Thursday 12/7, hanging out with everyone hopefully, and then coming back to L.A. on Tuesday 12/12. I'm excited to see everyone and I hope to be partying on the weekend if I can get some friends to drive me around since I won't have a car.

See everyone then!


Nichole said...

Man, too bad I don't live in Ohio anymore. I'd totally drive you around, that is, if you didn't mind having a baby as a fellow passenger!

Have a safe trip home, Kris!

Unknown said...

Kris, i so wish you could come visit me while in Ohio cuz i would love to see you and hear some stories! Maybe even stuff myself in ur luggage back to L.A.???!!! lol! Remember this:
Would you rather eat an apple full of maggots or kiss Ms.Stanley while she was buttnaked on the beach??? LMAO!!!
email me...rnbzeta@gmail.com