Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Beginning of the Rest of My Life

So, one of my student loans has gone into repayment and I just sent my first payment today! Crazy! I'm having a real problem with it because it feels like I'm just giving away my hard earned money and not getting anything in return. Of course, my education is what I "received", and I know that, but it still feels like I'm just giving up $300 a month just because. There is no way around it though. I'll just have to come to terms with it sooner or later. On my current plan, I'll have this loan paid off in the year 2022, haha. And that is only one of my loans which amounts to only half of my debt! Anyone jealous???? I just have to laugh about it now. There is no sense in sitting around being mad about it. I am just going to visualize my acting success coming to me and my loans to be paid off immediately. Remember, the mind is a powerful thing!

On that note, the casting office for the show Criminal Minds has agreed to let me come into their office to shadow the casting directors for a day or two. It's really exciting. I think it will be a great opportunity for me to see what goes on in a casting office and to see and hear the casting directors say what actors do right and wrong during their audition. Maybe it can help me be a stronger auditioner. So, thank you to Scott David, the head of casting, who agreed to let me do this and an extra special thanks to Jill, who runs the Criminal Minds Fanatic Blog for helping to set this up for me.

Positive quote:

“You can never think too big. Dare to affirm big ideas. Dare to expect big results. Such attitudes are the difference between a prince and a pauper”

--Catherine Ponder, The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, let's see. It's July of 07. I'm going to say all your debts will be paid off by late December of 08. That's about 18 months. Sounds about right for your career to take off to me.

How cool that you get to hang on the CM set again. I hope it will be a great experience for you. They seem like a really giving bunch who don't mind sharing their experience and knowledge. Enjoy!

Kris said...

Lin, that is a very ambitious goal and I absolutely love it. You're my type of person. I LOVE setting ambitious goals. I really love the challenge. Even if I miss them, I still try to make them. Originally my goal was to be SAG eligible by January 1st 2007. I didn't get it until March 1st, but I still did it. So, thanks for this gives me something to shoot for!