Sunday, January 14, 2007

Two More Things

Wow, I completely forgot two things to put in my post from yesterday. This is crazy. So, while I was on the set of This Christmas, I look over, and who do I see amongst the masses doing background work??? None other than Goldie from Flavor of Love: Season One! I had actually met her roommate a few weeks earlier. Her roommate had told me that she (Goldie, who's real name is Courtney) wanted to go to medical school. So, I end up seeing Goldie and talking to her and giving her all kinds of advice about medical school. She was asking me everything. It was really cool to give advice to someone in an area that I had worked hard to master. It was just so weird. So, I HAD to ask Goldie about her experience on Flavor of Love and more specifically New York, who cracks me up! She said New York can actually be cool, but she definitely turned up the drama for the show. She said she watched the premiere of I Love New York on VH1, and she didn't really have any comments about it. So, at the end of the day, we exchanged myspaces addresses and now I'm friends with Goldie. There were people wanting to take pictures with her on the set too. It was funny.

The other thing I have to say is that my apartment is haunted. We have a ghost. I don't know how many of you believe in ghosts, but I do. A ghost is the soul of a person that is trapped in between the dimension of Heaven and Earth. Now, when I first moved here, my friend Keisha was over here and she was on my computer, and she looked up and said she saw something white move through the doorway. I didn't think anything of it. Over the months, I've seen a white silhouette out of the corner of my eye on a few occasions, but I just kind of brushed it off as my mind playing tricks on me. Well, Afrah was over last night, and as we were talking, she looked up and this scared look on her face. I asked what was wrong. She said she saw something white move by the door, and she asked if my front door was locked because it looked like a person. Ugh.....I don't need a ghost rigtht now! I never told Afrah (or anyone for that matter) about this white thing I've been seeing, which means that 3 people have all seen the same thing on separate occasions. It doesn't bother me at all and I get the feeling it is a man for some reason. My apartment was built in the 40's, so I'm sure that over the years, at least a couple of people have died here. As long as this ghost doesn't show his face to me over my bed at night, I shoud be cool, lol. I know I sound crazy right now, but I know some of you have ghost stories too!
NOTE -- I put a picture of a cartoon ghost because when I googled "ghost" some really scary pictures came up with skeleton faces and crap and I don't need those images in my head. My roommate is gone for 2 weeks. If something happens to me, no one will ever know, haha.


Justin said...


I love Goldie! I love Flavor of Love, too! You know this already. I hereby DEMAND that you send her to Ohio State to be my colleague! If not, I will be sending Lambchop to Columbus.

And yes, I will be watching I Love New York tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

i feel EXACTLY the same way about sister had a scary experience with one in Germany, and I have never ever seen her that frightened...which only freaked me out more! however, maybe it's time to move? new horizons, and all that :) anyway, sounds like work is moving along, which is awesome! take care, ttyl :D


Anonymous said...

I've seen shows about haunted Hollywood. You need to call the Jamaican side of the family and get some advice!

Nichole said...

I love "I Love New York"! "Do you have love for New York?" hahaha! I love watching her mom the most, she is so crazy, but usually right about the guys in the mansion.

I've never seen a ghost inside of a home I've lived in, thank goodness. I've seen ghosts outside on my grandma's farm, but never inside. I'm easily scared, though, so even a glare in the patio door at night will cause me to jump out of my skin. Good luck with your spirit friend (hopefully he's a friend!)