Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Mother Came to Visit (Part 2)

And the story continues. After not having had the chance to spot Britney Spears or Paris Hilton around town, my mom was feeling kind of down. So, I figured that going to The Price Is Right would cheer her up! The show wasn't going to begin taping until 1 pm, but we had to be at the studio before 7 am to get priority tickets. They go on a first come, first serve basis. I had gotten 4 days off from work to spend time with my mom and I wasn't exactly happy about having to wake up at 5:30 am to go to CBS and then wait around for hours and hours. Anyone who knows me, knows that my attention span is virtually non-existant. It's really bad actually. I dread airplane rides for this reason. I'm not worried about going down, it's the sheer boredom of sitting in the same seat for hours. But, I digress..........

Somehow the universe could sense my boredom, and so they sent us a crazy to entertain us. Bright and early that morning, Marilyn walked into our lives. Now, you have to picture what she looks like to get the full effect. She looked almost identical to Rhea Pearlman in that tv show Cheers. Here's a picture below to refresh your memory. Yes, I remember this show even though it came out the year I was born! Now, Marilyn was a very sweet woman who could talk, A LOT! She latched onto us like a barnacle on the side of a boat! But I didn't care that day, she was making me laugh, and if you can make me laugh, I'll be your best friend. Pam (the Transformers fanatic) has this down pat! Anyways, Marilyn is telling us about how beautiful her grandchildren are, what she had for dinner last night and how she'd been begging people to come to The Price is Right with her, but no one would, so she decided to come by herself. I wonder why no one would come with her? haha I have to say, upon telling her that I left med school to come to Hollywood to pursue acting, she said that was great and I should pursue my dreams. That was good, because if I hear one more person tell me to just go back to school, I'm going to explode! We ended up finding out the Marilyn lived right around the corner from the hotel my mom was staying at, to which she told us, "Well, gee, if I knew you were going to come, I would've picked you up!" LOL, funny Marilyn.

Just before the taping, we had to go through security and wait some more. We noticed Marilyn disappear. Then all of a sudden she re-appeared with some food and somehow gotten back to the line, having bypassed security! Never underestimate the power of a crazy! We finally got to go into the studio and we could sit wherever we wanted. I knew Marilyn had officially reached crazy status when my mom says to me, "Look, there's 2 seats left on the end of that row. Let's get them so Marilyn won't be by us". HAHA It was funny, but in my mom's defense, she wasn't trying to be mean, she just thought that Marilyn would distract her during the taping of the show by talking.

The show was entertaining, and Drew Carey is a good host in my opinion. He entertained us on commercial breaks. We had our fingers crossed that we would get called up on the stage, but it didn't happen. It was still fun though. We saw people win cars, and a funny thing happend at the end. After some lady won her showcase at the end, after the cameras had stopped rolling, we noticed Drew Carey laughing hystrtically. I mean, he was laughing so hard he was turning red and he had to take his glasses off to wipe his eyes. Everyone is like, "What's going on up there?" Well, he finally told us that the lady who won, was so excited and jumping up and down that her teeth fell out! I wish I could have seen it!

That concludes my mother's trip to Los Angeles. It was fun and she said she's coming back real soon.

Also, a lot of people have contacted me to see if the fires out here are affecting me in anyway. I appreciate all the concern. The fires are no where near me, but the sky is starting to get a little hazy from the smoke blowing over this way. Let's just pray that they get them under control soon and that everyone that is affected by them in anyway are ok.

Here's the positive quote:

I refuse to give up. I shall continue firmly, steadily, and insistently until my good appears.

Catherine Ponder, The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity

This quote is another one of those mantras that you are supposed to say to yourself multiple times a day if you get down about things. This one can be applied to anything, big or small.


Anonymous said...

It was a great time. Marilyn was a hoot.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kris! Can I get a ticket to the gun show?? LOL! Geez you are so tall in that picture next to your mom and your arms are so big!

Glad your mom had a nice visit and good to see you're doing well!


Nichole said...

Oh I wish you guys could've gotten called on stage! That would have been the best. I'm so glad your mom had an awesome time with you (and Marilyn).

Don't give up Kris! You're on your way, I can tell. Going back to school now would be such a waste of the time and energy you've put into your dream.