Thursday, August 30, 2007

Life Is Boring, But.........

I am excited to say that I am getting my first IMDB credit. Cool huh? For those of you (like my mother) who have no idea what IMDB is, check it out at It is the Internet Movie Data Base. It's actually a pretty big deal to for an actor, or anyone in the entertainment biz to get credit on this site, at least I think it is. Everyone always talks about it. When you go to the website, you can put in any actor's name (not just celebrities) into the search field, and it will pull up the profile for that actor, and every film or television project that that actor has worked on. All SAG franchised projects get listed on this site, and also non-union projects that qualify. For example, if you recall, I acted in an independent short film back in March. It's still in post-production. When it is finished it will be submitted to a number of film festivals. If accepted to any of the festivals, all of us actors will get IMDB credit for it. Hopefully it will and then my resume will grow from there! Having an IMDB credit also means that I will be google-able. Hey, I'm moving up in the world.

The film that I got this first credit for was some low budget feature. I think it is going to be titled Jelly, but that could change. There aren't any big names in the film and I don't know if it will get a theatrical release or not. I was part of a club scene, and actually, there was a girl there that was also in the short film that I shot back in March.

I wish I could post more often, but there just aren't THAT many exciting things happening right now. I work at one job, then go to the other job, then sleep for a few hours, and do it all over again the next day. Fun fun. I'm still trying to stay positive, so here's the quote:

Be a Do-er Not a Critic
A non-doer is very often a critic-that is, someone who sits back and watches doers, and then waxes philosophically about how the doers are doing. It's easy to be a critic, but being a doer requires effort, risk, and change.

--Dr. Wayner Dyer


Anonymous said...

Good to see you're still around. I've been checking this thing about every day or so to see if you've got any updates. Talk to you soon!


Criminal Minds Fan said...

Life is boring when it is giving you a chance to take a breath before some new adventure happens. Great things in 2007 for you!

Nichole said...

Yay! Congratulations! What a huge and awesome accomplishment.

Anonymous said...

I think it's terrific. I keep checking in there, but I haven't spotted it yet.

Here's to many additions to your entry!

Sunilito said...

dude, what's your SAG name so i can look for you on IMDB.